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SubjectRe: Tulip Driver Bugs

On Fri, Mar 17, 2000 at 10:07:07AM -0800, Evan Langlois wrote:
> I should be subscribed now, decided to join you guys in pain and
> misery...
> Problem: From the moment I issue an ifconfig eth0 up the Link light
> blinks on the switch and no data can be sent or recieved through the
> card.
> Anyway, I can dual boot back to wintendo98 and the card works fine, its
> the late LinkSys 10/100 PCI w/WOL support. Model, TX100E or something
> like that (forget exactly - sorry). Anyway, I was wondering if there
> could be a problem because its sharing interrupts. My BIOS won't let me
> move anything to the IRQs I want to move them to (like the floppy
> controller IRQ that goes unused cause I use an LS120 drive). So the LAN
> card is IRQ 9, and so is the SB Live, the TV Tuner, maybe the DVD card
> (don't remember what IRQ that was) and I think ACPI shows up on 9 as
> well. If you think this is a possible cause, I can yank cards and try
> again, but I don't think its the problem. Uhmm ... AMD K6/2 450, 128MB,
> VIA motherboard (not a broke one), WOL connector not installed (seemed to
> have problems powercycling the system constantly with that cable
> installed) .. hmm ... card is plugged into an autonegotiating 10/100 full
> duplex capable ethernet switch. No problems under Wintendo98 - telnets
> fine to another machine.

In my experience trying to share interrupts with any Tulip card
causes "issues." I've tried it many times with many different cards
(various Kingston, Netgear and Linksys tulip cards) and every time, if
it works at all, the network latency is noticeably higher under both
Linux and Windows systems especially when transfering large streams of
data (or playing Quake :) ). I would strongly suggest rearranging your
cards till the tulip card gets its own IRQ and see if you still have
this problem.

On a related note, on some Kingston cards under the MS operating
systems, there is an option to set interrupt arbitration on the card.
With this set the card usually worked with shared interrupts under the
various MS operating systems but at a lower performance than when it had
its own interrupt.

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