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SubjectRe: compile a kernel...outside Linux

> I'm running the newest release of LinuxPPC on my Mac G4. I programme in C and Pascal and JAVA, and I have my nice Release 5 of CodeWarrior.
> The question is this: I want to recompile my kernel, optimized for the G4 chip. Obviously, GCC isn't going to do this. I'm assumeing there must be a way to compile the kernel without being in linux else would the first kernel of each new port be compiled?

Linux is written to compile with GCC, and in fact, relies on some of
GCC's features and quirks. This is a conscious and intentional
decision, and not very limiting. The parts that are worth optimizing in a
port to that architecture have probably already been optimized by hand.
(ie, if 90% of execution is spent in 1% of code, you can bet that the 1%
will be hand optimized).

Linux is ported to new platforms by getting GCC to run on the platform's
native OS first, or alternatively, cross-compiling to that platform on
your established (GCC'd) platform.

Hope this helps.

Michael Bacarella

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