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SubjectRE: network interface still stops after 20 days 7 hours in 2.2.1
I have noticed this type of problem on my firewall box, which runs 2.2.12. I
just scheduled a cron job to reset the interfaces every night (DSL line with
DHCP). I never bothered to keep track of how often it happens- it seemed to be
less than 20 days, but not as frequently as daily.

On 14-Mar-2000 wrote:
> This is a problem some people seem to have with 2.2.12, but I'm still
> having it in 2.2.14:
> 2.2.12:
> After 20 days uptime a network interface just stops, routing, ifconfig
> etc. seems fine, just no network traffic coming in or going out.
> No messages in logs.
> Seems to happen on a 2.2.12 machine with multiple NIC's and multiple
> IP's on NIC's.
> The one describing the problem on one of the mailing lists rebooted the
> machines every week -I've not been able to reach him-.
> 2.2.14:
> Got a machine with multiple NIC's, (3), multiple IP's on them, ipchains,
> one of the interfaces is configured with ipx+ip.
> After 20 days and 7 hours, the interface with ipx+ip stops, ifconfig,
> routing etc. still seem to be completely happy.
> doing an "ifdown eth0; ifup eth0" makes things work again.
> Summary:
> A problem of 2.2.12 seems to be fixed in 2.2.14, exept for an interface
> using ipx+ip (ehh, just a guess).
> Anyone having similar problems/had similar problems, the "20 days 7
> hours" seems to have something to do with it.

Linux Consultant

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