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SubjectRe: patch: reiserfs for 2.3.49
On Mon, Mar 13, 2000 at 02:12:21PM -0800, Linus Torvalds wrote:

> Now, now, don't be too harsh on the resierfs guys.

Fair 'nuf -- I didn't mean to sound harsh.


> Don't be so down on the guys, there are people who really like
> actively using raiserfs..

Indeed... I'm not saying there is anything wrong with ReiserFS at
all, it appears to have plenty of potential. I for one would really
like to see it in 2.4.x.

The point I was trying to make is that ext2 has undergone a lot of
testing under many conditions and hence expectations for reliability
are high, the more extreme testing ResierFS can get the better.

In truth, the best was to get lots of testing for it is to put it in
2.4.x at some point (preferably as early as possible if 2.4.0 isn't
possible), mark it clearly as EXPERIMENTAL then make a song and dance
about it -- making it very clear that it is experimental though
(otherwise you run the risk of bad press and feeding the FUD machine
if it eats someone's data).


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