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    SubjectRe: Some questions about linux kernel.

    On Mon, 13 Mar 2000, James Sutherland wrote:

    > I want to emphasise this point: the OOM handler should **NEVER** be
    > invoked. If it is ever needed, there is something BADLY wrong with the
    > system - either we do something drastic (process slaughtering) or the
    > machine goes down completely. Worrying about which user processes are
    > killed to avoid an uncontrolled failure is a case of rearranging the
    > deckchairs on the Titanic.

    Just as someone who has been bitten by this, I agree with James. The
    number one priority is keeping the machine up - I don't care what you
    kill, just keep it running and preferably allow remote logins still...

    I'd think there are only two ways you can accidently OOM a box - a single
    process goes nutz or something like a fork bomb. I'd think the simplest
    solution is to look for the process using the most memory or the user with
    the most processes+memory (some weird weight factor here) and blow it
    away. If this means jonhnie looses their shell, their emacs and whatever
    else because someone fork bombed a box then too bad. If this means apache
    gets blown away because a CGI went insane then too bad. When the
    alternative is having to drive to the site and hit the reset button (which
    had to be done, twice :P) it is a minor trouble.

    In my case it turned out a WML process got into an infinite ram using
    loop, on 2.2.6-ac1 the machine just crashed - no kernel log messages,
    nothing, just dead. Unnaceptable :> In this particular case the wml
    process got up to some 400meg of ram usage before things got really out of
    hand. Lots of swap! These days there is a ulimit protecting these wml
    processes, but it was really hit and miss to find out that it was indeed
    wml that was causing this.. (Heck, it was a lucky guess it was even OOM)

    IMHO a completely seperate topic is how to prevent a malicious user from
    abusing this to nuke a machine.. That sounds like a very difficult prolem


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