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SubjectRe: 2.3.51 and squid/dec tulip
I hope this message has attracted the attention of the Tulip driver

Netgear makes a card that is sorta like a Tulip.... the older model of the
card worked just fine with the existing Tulip driver. The newer model
needs several patches/hacks, and Netgear provides a new tulip.c file on
their drivers disk.

I remember a while back that someone was looking at working on the Tulip
driver, possibly incorporating some of these types of changes. I was
wondering if the code to support the new Netgear cards has made it into
the 2.3.5x kernels.

Upon request, I can send the modified tulip.c file.

Matt Dharm

On Mon, 13 Mar 2000, Norbert Tretkowski wrote:

> Hello,
> I've tried Kernel 2.3.51 and run into two problems. The first is, that my
> DEC Tulip 21140 does not work. No special error messages. I remember that
> also with 2.3.44 that card does not work.
> The second problem is that squid 2.2.5 does not start:
> Starting proxy server: shmget: shm filesystem not mounted
> IpcMemoryCreate: shmget failed (Invalid argument) key=5432010, size=120,
> permission=700
> shmget: shm filesystem not mounted
> IpcMemoryIdGet: shmget failed (Invalid argument) key=5432010, size=120,
> permission=0
> IpcMemoryAttach: shmat failed (Invalid argument) id=-2
> FATAL 1: AttachSLockMemory: could not attach segment
> squid.
> Regards, Norbert

Matthew Dharm Home:
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