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SubjectRe: Some questions about linux kernel.
In <> Adam ( wrote:

>> > Bottom line is that I don't belive any kind of AI in OMM will do
>> > the right job.
>> So give us a better solution. One that also works for
>> unattended servers (I don't believe anybody actually
>> wants to babysit servers 24x7).

> I don't think solution for unattended servers exist. Perhaps for someone
> else OOM is acceptable solution, but not for me. If someone wants to use
> it. It is fine by me, but I don't belive everybody should be forced to use
> it just, say, for shake of someone who wants to run unattended servers.

In fact MOST Linux systems out there works as unattended servers or as
desktop system which is VERY similar to unattended server: person in front
of terminal usually just does not have deep enough knowleadge to play with
top, ps or whatever.

> In fact this reminds me as I have seen an 1'500 pages book about ....
> ... "Zero System Administration" :-) (yeah, NT book)

> unattended severs is just a gamble, There's plenty other things
> which can go wrong like hdd going bad, fan failings, new security
> exploints.

Security exploits can be fixed remotely and hdd/fan/whatever do not crash
every day as well.

> Most of the sysadmin places I have seen operated on pretty much 24x7
> sysadmin basic.

Most sysadmins I've seen here are "partial sysadmins": they setuped some
system and it should work for months without attention. If something goes
wrong they will be called (by phone: systems are NOT connected to internet
by persistent basis). Of course there are exist banks and such where
maintaining goes on 24x7 sysadmin basis but it's other story: Linux is not
used there at all (Solaris or AS-400) so it's not relevant to discussion.

P.S. Do you really want to babysit your web-enabled toaster with web interface ?
Software exploits are rare (VERY limited set of software), hardware failure
is even more rare but apache CAN go nuts. Linux going on such devics as well...
Let 0.1% minority who CAN babysit server to patch kernel and remove OOM-handler,
not other way around...

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