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SubjectRe: (reiserfs) Re: patch: reiserfs for 2.3.49
Alan Cox wrote:
> > The code duplication in fs/reiserfs/ is a bug. But does this bug harm anything
> > but maybe somewhat performance? If it does not harm, there is no reason for
> It does because if it goes in then nobody will get around to cleaning it up
> promptly.

I have assigned Alexei Adamovich to work full-time on the task until you and
Alexander Viro say that it is done right. It will get cleaned up; Alexei is a
good programmer. Some changes have already been made and we are testing them.

> > reiserfs not to make in pre-2.4 kernels, because those bugs can be fixed. The
> > win is at least an as EXPERIMENTAL marked journaling filesystem, and people who
> Stop a moment
> IF reiserfs is marked as experimental then people shouldnt be using it for
> a production system - yes

If reiserfs is marked as experimental and in, then making it non-experimental
and in, a few weeks from now, is quite likely to happen. Real users always find
things that testers don't, but they won't find such a lot when it is a port from
2.2 of code that has been in widespread production use for some time now.

Do you want to leave lack of a journaling file system as a bullet point favoring

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