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    SubjectRe: Linux-2.3.51, and the pre-2.4 series..
    > I just made a 2.3.51 release, and the next kernel will be the first of the
    > pre-2.4.x kernels. That does NOT mean that I'll apply a lot of last-minute
    > patches: it only means that I'll let 2.3.51 be out there over the weekend
    > to hear about any embarrassing problems so that we can start the pre-2.4
    > series without the truly stupid stuff.
    > The pre-2.4.x series will probably go on for a while, but these are the
    > "bug fixes only" trees. These are also the "I hope a lot of people test
    > them" trees, because without testing we'll never get to the eventual goal,
    > which is a good and stable 2.4.x in the reasonably near future. Thanks,

    Does this mean we can finally fix the keyboard lockup problem? =)

    I'm still open to any test/patches/etc that will allow me to use my cardbus
    controller and mouse at the same time =)

    By the way, last time I tried (2.3.48 or 49 I believe), yenta grabbed the
    IRQ for my PCI sound card... again.

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