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    SubjectRe: [patch-2.3.51-pre2] misc cleanups
    Hi Werner.

    >> At the end of "make config", check a set of declared
    >> "dependency rules" and if they are violated, just give a
    >> warning-message and run a "make quietoldconfig" so that
    >> only the relevant questions are asked again.

    > Sounds like the third best solution:

    > best: rearrange configuration such that the structure is
    > clear, easy to understand, and no conflicts can arise
    > (only problem: may be impossible ;-)

    > 2nd best: catch conflicts in the configuration editor and
    > let users resolve them there

    > 3rd best: catch them outside of the editor and use a
    > different procedure to resolve them

    Make that 2nd, 3rd and 4th best respectively. Best has to be to
    scrap the current unwieldy config altogether, and replace it with
    one that isn't anywhere near as confusing in the first place.

    > The 3rd best may still be better than nothing at all,
    > provided that there is a useful migration path to a more
    > integrated solution.

    WHat that needs is somebody to have a real good think, and to
    actually document ALL the places where the autoprobing of
    interface cards can conflict, along with how they conflict. Given
    that, an "integrated solution" couldn't be that hard to do...

    Best wishes from Riley.

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