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SubjectRe: 2.4 Features

On Wed, 9 Feb 2000, Peter T. Breuer wrote:

> E2compr's not going to get in the kernel at this rate. The only weighty
> reason behind that is its status as a patch on ext2, which makes
> companions of several considerations that could live happier lives
> separated. So: separate them.

Erm... Maybe I've missed something obvious, but do you have anything that
would work with pagecache? It's not like the thing was going to make it
into 2.2 - stable branch and all such. And 2.4 == pagecache. So what
kernel are you going to merge it in, anyway?

> The e2compr stuff is not beta code. It's at least as stable as ufs,
> minix, vfat, resierfs, and all the rest. The only thing it's not as
> stable as is ext2.

Yeah... Except that it doesn't exist for 2.3.7+, does it? Look, variant
from Riley (pre-/post- processing) is not going to fly, but if you can
make support for PAGE_CACHE_SIZE larger than PAGE_SIZE and do it _NOW_ -
fine, the thing will become rather doable. I'm afraid that almost
everybody have _really_ full plates right now - too late in the cycle. If
you have time - fine, go ahead. Until the thing will be ported to
pagecache in clear way there's literally nothing to talk about. Could we
please avoid sinking to the level of marketdroids? If you want it in the
tree - write a version that would _work_ with the tree, damnit.

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