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SubjectRe: Source Code Release of NWFS 2.0 for 2.2/2.3/2.4
On Tue, 8 Feb 2000, Jeff V. Merkey wrote:

> This is why Linux will ***ALWAYS*** be inferior to Windows NT/2000. It

> And get over it, would you.
> Jeff


I have had enough of your insults to Linux and the community at large....
For the record, GO CASH THIS AT THE BANK!!!!!!!!!!
Many of the ATA/ATAPI manufacturers in the world today use the work of
"Linux" in storage solutions based on the quality........It is used to
correct the weakness found in the "miniport" model. I know this for a
fact because I have gone in house with (unamed vendors) to work on Linux
solutions and the final results are that your MicroSoft == SmallLimp
OS greatly benefits from "Linux" at the same time!

Hell, I know of at least two cases where Linux code has been stolen and I
am trying to figure out how to prove it!!! If your so belove MS-SL OS
was so damn perfect, the embedded market would use it......DUH!

Next point, regardless of what mistakes are made by various distributions
and I am sure that "EVERYONE" has at least one on the record, I do not
think it is your place nor has Linus granted you power of attorny to
speak on such matters. If there is an issue to be addressed, he will when
it is needed.

FINAL point, If you get your 'BALLS' as a result of a bottle, and then and
only then can you belly to the bar with big boys to attempt to be a "MAN",
skip it.........


Later and do not bother to reply until you have had at least a case of beer.

Andre Hedrick
The Linux ATA/IDE guy

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