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SubjectRe: how does kernel get the "current" task struct?
Stephen C. Tweedie wrote:
> > I don't see why it's necessary though. The allocator should simply use
> > absolute address values for pairing instead of zone-relative
> > addresses.. is there anything more to it than that?
> Yes --- you need 8k allocations to be 8k-aligned physically, and 64k
> allocations to be 64k-aligned, etc. Just to think of one example, Intel
> MTRR absolutely requires that the address of a memory range is a
> multiple of the size of the range, and you need aligned zones to create
> such regions.

That's what I said. E.g., you have a zone starting at 4k that's 32k
long. You initialise the allocator by calling free_page on each page.
The buddy structure ends up looking like this:

4k @ 4k
16k @ 8k
4k @ 24k

In other words, you get aligned allocations without having to align the
zones. As far as I can see, it's a simple matter of making the "get
my opposite buddy page" logic use absolute address values instead of
zone-relative ones.

> This needn't be a problem --- you can easily create a zone aligned at a
> large (eg. 16MB) granularity, without filling it with free pages. As an
> example, the low-memory zone doesn't populate the free page list with
> pages in the 640k-1M hole. Just because your physical page region isn't
> aligned nicely doesn't mean you cannot align the zone itself.

I guess that's what I said too, but I don't see why aligning the zone is
needed. May as well leave zones representing actual memory ranges,
rather than some artificially aligned ranges for no obvious reason.
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