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SubjectRe: Booting and Ultra-66
It should work, but you may need to tell LILO that /dev/hde is the
BIOS's first hard disk by putting this in your /etc/lilo.conf:


or else it will get very confused on boot when it tries to access a
nonexistent disk.

If that doesn't do it, it would be helpful if you could provide a
description of what is happening when you boot, and if LILO is printing
any error messages when you install the boot sector.

And of course your BIOS may need to be specially told to boot from the
Ultra66 in the first place. With my current setup with an older Ultra33
card the BIOS is configured to boot from a SCSI device, which is in fact
the Ultra33 IDE card. (shrug)

-- brion vibber (

On Mon, 7 Feb 2000, Igor S. Livshits wrote:

> Hi, Folks,
> I am running the 2.2.14 kernel patched for the Ultra-66 IDE PCI card.
> I learned that I cannot boot from the drive attached via the Ultra-66
> interface, and am using a smaller drive attached via the logic board
> controller as my boot device.
> I would like to eliminate the smaller HD. However, I have had no luck
> booting from a floppy I created via "make bzdisk" for the same kernel
> that happily runs of the larger Ultra-66 HD. Also, should I be able
> to use lilo and designate my floppy as the boot device (I tried this
> without any success, but I may have missed a step...)?

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