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SubjectRe: 2.2.14 reproducible.. lost interrupt) (works in 2.2.13)
On Wed, Feb 02, 2000 at 08:25:51AM -0800, Linda Walsh wrote:
> wrote:
> >
> > <snip>
> > Sorry, small typo...I get the lost interrupt on hda even though I'm
> > mastering from hdc-->hdb.
> ---
> It seems to be a generic 2.2.14 (and 2.2.15pre5) problem.
> I was running into lost interrupts with my SCSI disks (aicxxxx
> driver) when I accessed a 2nd hard disk. Tried it with 2.2.5pre5 as
> well. I couldn't even make it 1/4th the way through a mkfs on sdb1 or
> sdc1 (both empty HD's). I also tried the 'nosmp' option on bootup, that
> had no effect either. Went back to a 2.2.13 kernel this morning --
> works fine.

2.2.14 is working fine for me. i'm running it on four machines at the
moment - 3 squid proxy servers (P3-450, 1GB RAM, 5x9GB IBM LVD scsi
disks, AHA-2940U2/W SCSI card) under medium-heavy disk load and one
web server (dual P3-500 SMP, 256MB RAM, 4x9GB IBM LVD scsi disks,
AHA-2940U2/W SCSI card) which is mostly idle - not yet in production
use. all are running latest debian unstable aka "woody".

all four machines also have the latest reiserfs patch. one of the
proxies has the latest LVS patch and is acting as a realserver and as
the director.

no errors, no weird kernel messages. all machines are working

the proxies have been up and running for 8 days now. i'm about ready to
declare them "done" and get them off my desk and into the rack where
they belong.

i thrash-tested the disks on all machines (i wanted to test how reiserfs
performs under load). created a 300+MB tar.gz file and then wrote a
script to copy it to 10 different files on each drive simultaneously
- i.e. 40 simultaneous cp processes. figured if that didn't kill 'em,
nothing would.


Craig Sanders
Systems Administrator
VICNET- Victoria's Network

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