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SubjectRe: 2.3.40 (SMP) random lockups
On Thu, Jan 27, 2000 at 07:37:46AM +0100, Jarek Luberek wrote:

> Experienced two lockups within say 12 hours running
> CivCTP and xmms. I wasn't even near the computer when
> the lockup with xmms occurred (wakes me up in the morning :).

I've done that before -- it's much less intrusive than an alarm,
and no commercials <g>.

But seriously, I'm seeing the same problem with xmms (don't have
CTP, so I can't speak to that). I switched to mpg123 and the
problem went away. The lockups seem to be partly random and partly
repeatable (i.e., certain songs/albums crash it right away, if I
set it on random it runs for up to an hour or so before it dies).

I have a SMP system on a Tyan motherboard with an ES1371 audio
controller. I went from 2.3.31 to 2.3.39 to 2.3.40 trying to
fix a fs problem; it's entirely possible that the crashes
started with 2.3.40, since it just started within the last week or

> Tried Alt-SysRQ-<K,U,....> and so on. I didn't help.
> This PC is not networked so I could not verify that
> this is not graphics card related although I've tried
> most of the 2.3.20-2.3.40 (all of 2.3.30-2.3.40)
> without any problems (until now). I think the nvidia
> drivers are quite stable, here at least.

I can get it to reboot cleanly with an alt-sysrq-k,u,b
but I can't get a console back. If I switch it to
another VC with shift-alt-F1 or alt-F1, the monitor loses
signal and won't come back (but the magic sysrq works,
though you can't see the results). I have a matrox g200
with the frame buffer compiled in and running.

> Patch-2.3.40 contains updates to the ensoniq-1371 driver,
> maybe that's the problem.

Will have to look into this...haven't had time to fix it
properly, as I'm drowning in school work at the moment.
I know that upgrading to XMMS 1.0.0 didn't work (haven't
tried 1.0.1 yet).



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in the first shock of the Great Rising. It were not well that you live
to reap Cthulhu's wrath!"
-- Brian Lumley, "The Fairground Horror"
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