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    SubjectRe: /proc/nzombies
    In article <>, you write:
    >The process exit path is critical--it is called often and every cycle is
    >important. Take a webserver: It can fork a process per request. Consider
    >an SMP system: If you write to the same counter repeatedly with all CPUs
    >you will get cache ping-pong effects which slow you down severely. All
    >these things have to be considered.

    So have a per-CPU (signed) zombie count, and a global zombie count.
    When a process calls exit(), its current CPU increments its own zombie
    count; when a process is reaped, the reaping CPU decrements its own
    zombie count. Every so often, and whenever someone reads
    /proc/nzombies, we pass over all the counts, doing
    xchg(&cpu_nzombies[i].val, 0) and adding the returned values to the
    global nzombies count.


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