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SubjectRe: bzImage limitation question
>   objdump -O binary vmlinux vmlinux.bin
> sync
> sync
> sync
> bootimg -f plain vmlinux.bin

That certainly looks like a great piece of work but I need something more
along the lines of:

cp vmlinux /boot
shutdown -r now
(now press any key to go to BCP prompt)
[boot] boot /boot/vmlinux

I.e. if your bootimg thing could live in a bootsector and could understand
some simple filesystem (what is more simple than BFS?) that would be
exactly what I am looking for. Obviously "live in a bootsector" is
oversimplified and impossible goal - there would be some sort of stage1,
stage2 etc that are loaded from the same simple filesystem and switch to
protected mode and then load arbitrary size Linux kernel image (ELF would
be nice but I don't mind running an extra objdump to filter if it makes
things easier).

some commercial UNIX flavours can do it so what is the reason why Linux
can't? No reason - just someone has to write the code - if all else fails
I might consider writing it myself but all the rumours about alternatives
(EFI, Multiboot etc) do not encourage to go ahead and do it but suggest
"wait and see" type of approach.


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