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SubjectRe: Linux's future: //posix/ipc, //root and so on ?
> mount anything at all, easy change of root: just umount //root and mount
> other thing there. And POSIX agrees that //root or //proc CAN be special
> so all is correct. So just kernel changes are needed. Right ? Not quite:

Millions of apps rely on // working.

> it's better to add kernel warning NOW. Perhaps configurable so it can be
> disabled (not in compile time, but in run-time). This way at least EACH AND
> EVERY Linux vendor will be aware about problem. What do you think ?

If Linus made // special in the kernel we'd have to make it unspecial again
in glibc 8(. It also breaks the flexibility of mounting we have now. Why
is it //ipc - what does //ipc have to do with ipc in other languages, why
can't I mount it where I want it ?

We have a nice unix VFS abstraction. Not using it is just ugly. Things like
mounting /ipc can be handled in startup space quite easily.


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