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SubjectRe: Keyboard is frozen on boot of 2.3.41

> APM on an SMP box is undefined. Thats why you have force it to
> do it SMP. You are chosing to enable a mode where you play with
> fire. In your case it burns

Yes, I know this (I don't quite understand how the way
the software-poweroff is done can influence the status
of the hardware at the next boot, but I have no idea how
these features work).

Why I am writing this here is because I might found
a way to produce the same condition that triggers
the keyboard problem, albeit in another way - there
are suggestions on the list that it might have
something to do with BIOS and interrupt allocations.
Maybe there is some workaround (or at least
possible sanity-check).

I have other indications (from Windoze world) that
at least on a BP6 it _does_ matter how the box
is restarted - Win98 can mess with the hw in funny
ways so that the next start of Win NT is confused
(freezes for several seconds, then goes further,
freezes again, ...), unless you press the reset
button before the booting.

I'll try to compile non-SMP kernel (probably on weekend)
and let you know if I can still reproduce it.


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