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SubjectRe: Oops on 2.2.14 While Doing Direct I/O.
Jeff V. Merkey writes:
> Andrea,
> (and Stephen Tweedie, I appreciate your help earlier)
> I've noticed that 2.3.X does NOT export the internal calls needed to
> load NWFS as a driver -- I must now compile it within the kernel. I am
> using Caldera's latest 2.3, so I am wondering if this is the case for
> all the distributions, or just theirs. Here's a list of unresolved
> externs. I can, of course, build an ugly patch to do this if any
> variables/functions have been declared "static" -- looks like we may
> have to put out our own linux distribution if going the driver route is
> not always going to be supported in stock kernels (???).
> If 2.3 is no longer exporting the attached APIs, then you guys may have
> just added another company to the penguin hatchery (TRG) because we will
> need to provide our own Linux version (with lots of patches) for each
> kernel build to support NWFS and M2FS (our clustered file system for
> Linux) for 2.3 and above.
> I hope I am missing something here on the public APIs and this is just a
> Caldera problem. I am heading up there this afternoon to find out
> what's up with their 2.3/2.4 stuff, and why 2.2 file system drivers are
> no longer loadable under 2.3/2.4.
> Jeff
> ./nwfs.o: unresolved symbol __generic_copy_from_user
> ./nwfs.o: unresolved symbol schedule
> ./nwfs.o: unresolved symbol blkdev_open
> ./nwfs.o: unresolved symbol kmalloc

Looks like a bug. There's no way that kmalloc() isn't a published

> ./nwfs.o: unresolved symbol __wait_on_buffer
> ./nwfs.o: unresolved symbol vfree
> ./nwfs.o: unresolved symbol mark_buffer_uptodate
> ./nwfs.o: unresolved symbol unregister_filesystem
> ./nwfs.o: unresolved symbol iput
> ./nwfs.o: unresolved symbol getblk
> ./nwfs.o: unresolved symbol ll_rw_block
> ./nwfs.o: unresolved symbol iget
> ./nwfs.o: unresolved symbol register_filesystem
> ./nwfs.o: unresolved symbol sync_dev
> ./nwfs.o: unresolved symbol blk_size
> ./nwfs.o: unresolved symbol sys_tz
> ./nwfs.o: unresolved symbol del_timer
> ./nwfs.o: unresolved symbol refile_buffer
> ./nwfs.o: unresolved symbol kfree
> ./nwfs.o: unresolved symbol vmalloc
> ./nwfs.o: unresolved symbol tq_disk
> ./nwfs.o: unresolved symbol set_blocksize
> ./nwfs.o: unresolved symbol xtime
> ./nwfs.o: unresolved symbol blkdev_release
> ./nwfs.o: unresolved symbol sprintf

This is suspicious, though. sprintf() is a libc function. Where in the
kernel is this supposed to be? Are you positive you're
compiling/loading the driver correctly?

> ./nwfs.o: unresolved symbol __brelse
> ./nwfs.o: unresolved symbol jiffies
> ./nwfs.o: unresolved symbol printk
> ./nwfs.o: unresolved symbol add_timer
> ./nwfs.o: unresolved symbol kernel_thread
> ./nwfs.o: unresolved symbol set_writetime
> ./nwfs.o: unresolved symbol get_blkfops
> ./nwfs.o: unresolved symbol __generic_copy_to_user
> ./nwfs.o: unresolved symbol hardsect_size



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