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SubjectRe: string-486.h?
> > The code in include/asm-i386/string-486.h has been disabled for quite
> > long time now. Is it truly dead and can be removed? What is broken

actually somebody updated the code a few months ago. it used to be
broken for newer gccs (wrong asm constraints). i have that patch
marked 2-look-at, but i think it also went into 2.3 later.
the other issue is that some of the functions are huge, it's unobvious
that inlining them is a good idea, and apparetnly there are some
doubts wrt their correctness.

> I'd like to append another question. The current gcc seems to have
> problems with memcpy calls in the kernel source. When compiling a
> kernel I get unresolved memcpy symbols for example in hisax.
> Although memcpy is used all over the source I get these
> unresolved symbols just in a few places.

i saw this problem for functions that depended on builtin_conctant_p()
and called gcc builtins when it returned was true. i don't think this is
happening in 2.3 now, so it might be just a missing #include <linux/string.h>

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