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SubjectRe: Kernel Routing Issues/Packett loss (argh.)
"Andrew J. Feldhacker" wrote:
> I just moved to a new apartment, and I've gotten my cable service
> transfered over to the new residence... I was given a different cable
> modem (was using a Lancity model, now a surfboard sb1300), and a new
> set of IPs for my host, subnet, etc.
> So, I plugged in the new IPs to my /etc/init.d/network script in
> Debian, re-ran it, and tried to ping an external IP... 100% packet
> loss. Rebooted and tried pinging again, 100% packet loss....

When I ran one of those, it was DHCP-only (meaning: you do NOT enter
that ifconfig command). What happens if you set your card to DHCP mode,
then run 'pump' manually. Do you get a lease?

I know that one version of pump from Redhat (with 6.0) had a bug in it
such that it would'nt work with a surfboard, hopefully that bug isn't


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