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SubjectRe: Proposed SyncPPP layer modifications
I have a suggestion for syncppp (not directly related to this topic):

I have encountered some Cisco routers (3600 series IOS 12.0 and 11.3) that
refuse to recognize Cisco HDLC packets using the
Cisco multicast address (0xf9). They work fine with the
unicast address (0x09). A Cisco 1600 series (IOS 11.1) router accepts
both, but always uses the unicast for responses.

syncppp is hard coded to always use the multicast address.
My suggestion (and how I am currently working) is to add a
flag PP_UNICAST to allow the user to select the address.
Default is not set so it behaves as before. If the flag is set then
the unicast address is used.

Another part of the suggestion is to add ioctl handling to
set/get the syncppp flags, so the user can configure the
existing keepalive setting (PP_KEEPALIVE) as well
as the other settings (PP_UNICAST, PP_CISCO,PP_DEBUG).
(and possibly move the ioctl constants to a header file in
the include/linux directory)

Any objections and/or comments?

Paul Fulghum
Microgate Corporation

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