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SubjectRe: Proposed SyncPPP layer modifications
On Fri, 18 Feb 2000, Gergely Madarasz wrote:

> On Fri, 18 Feb 2000, Jan Kasprzak wrote:
> > Proposal 2: implement the common device allocation & registration code
> > similar to the init_etherdev() and ether_setup() routines.
> The problem I see with this: only syncppp and hdlc protocols can be used
> on those devices this way. The comx drivers support lapb thru the lapb
> stack, and they have a minimal frame relay support too. This would mean
> that different protocols need different initialization stuff, etc... which
> would make quite a mess, unless all the possible sync serial protocols are
> integrated into the syncppp driver... So I don't think this is a good
> idea.

And one more thing... the multigate/comx family now has a chanellized E1
card, with the driver not yet included into the kernel, it waits for some
cleanups... It would be nice to have the names of the channels decided at
least by the hw driver, so it could look logical, something like: comx0.0,
comx0.1, etc, which would show that this is is channel 0, channel 1, etc
on the same physical port of the card. This would be impossible if the
protocol driver, allocated devices and device names while it knows nothing
about the logical structure of the hw.

Madarasz Gergely
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