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SubjectRe: Of removable devices
Hi David.

>>> On a real operating system, the OS would simply notify userland,
>>> which would do whatever it wanted to do. [...]

>>> Think about kerneld/kmod/whatever it is this week.

>> Oh, _please_! kmod is the last thing you want here.

> You're suffering, I'm afraid, from an almost pathological lack
> of imagination. I'm pointing out kerneld/kmod/whatever as an
> example of punting kernel events out to userspace for a daemon
> to deal with, not saying "we should do it exactly like kerneld,
> or kmod, or whatever the fuck the interface is this week"

Actually, you're missing Al's point completely: kmod doesn't even
begin to answer the basic question of which user to ask, as it doesn't
have to make that decision in the first place.

> ____
> david parsons \bi/ Just what IS the interface this week, anyway?
> \/

Probably the "Every time you swear on a mailing list, you donate a
reparation for doing so" interface.

I for one see NO reason for use of language like that in a mailing
list, and tend to assume that those who resort to such language do so
because they realise they have lost whatever argument they are trying
to make, but are too stupid to admit such.

Best wishes from Riley.

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