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SubjectRe: OOM datapoint 2.3.45
On Wed, 16 Feb 2000, Andrea Arcangeli wrote:

> On Tue, 15 Feb 2000, Mike Galbraith wrote:
> >I accidentally oomed my box running Christopher Rolands shmtst, and
> >it started swap looping. I've seen this same looping before, and
> Verify shmtst deletes the segments after having attached them so that if
> the task gets killed the memory released as well.
> Then you may want to try this patch:
> ftp://ftp.*

Got it.. will give it a test run.

What I was doing when I oomed the box was memleak testing. I would
run shmtst with lots of small segments and lots of tasks with various
other things for it to interact with running on another console. After
running a bit, I'd manually cleanup and do a memleak check. (No leaks
found except a very minor one in kHTTPd) Then, I forgot to cleanup
before starting another round of (zzz) testing.

Box isn't out of swap when it dies, but even when it tries to kill
a normal task, it shoots blanks. Sometimes it does try to kill
another task, but frequently it goes straight for init. Sometimes
(when it picks on something other than init) it succeeds in killing
before loop death sets in and you can regain control.. mostly not.


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