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SubjectRe: Drive name slips...
Horst von Brand wrote:
> That is exactly the wrong answer. What is needed is to address the _data_
> on the disk, not it's ephemeral phyiscal location. Worse yet, having to
> become acquainted with esotherica like "controller all way down to
> partition". OTOH, if you take a look at current versions of mount(8), you
> _can_ mount by volume identifier and don't need all this nonsense at all.

Okay, I guess I wasn't down and dirty enough with RAID like setups where
that is what you need.

Where devfs saved me, is I run up to 3 SCA drives in my machine. They
have SCSI IDs 0, 1, and 2. Sometimes I'll pull out one of them and boot
my machine without it. Pulling ID 2 is no big deal, /dev/sda and
/dev/sdb are still ID 0 and 1. But if I pull ID 1 (I never pull ID 0,
cause it is my boot drive, but still I have the option to) ID 0 is
/dev/sda, but ID 2 becomes /dev/sdb. That just causes too much
confusion. With devfs I can put the physical location of the drives
(including their ID) in my fstab and not have to worry about which
drives are in the machine.

P.S. Congrats to Richard. Keep up the good work (not that I have any
reason to believe that you wouldn't).

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