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SubjectRe: Of removable devices
> No, this is unacceptable. If a user removes a media in the process of
> writing, then it's his fault, and his program should get thrashed to
> give him a lesson.

Perhaps you would like to explain that to your grandmother. The Mac folks
figured this out, the PC guys never got it.

> 2. (apart from floppies) you *can* send a command to drives so that
> they allow ejection when the uesr "presses the button", but you must
> ensure that all writes are finished. This cannot be done in user
> space. I already had the case where I allowed the medium to eject,
> then wrote a file on the medium, then pressed the eject button: the
> allow_eject command popped up in the middle of a write --> fs thrashed

The 2.2 supermount stuff while buggy actually has the infrastructure in
place to do lock when writes are pending, unlock when finished.


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