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SubjectRe: 2.3.43 breaks pppd! (SOLVED, possible config gotcha)
On Mon, Feb 14, 2000 at 05:18:41PM -0500, Paul Barton-Davis wrote:
> >Why then I'm using PPP without any problems and without KMOD with 2.3.44?
> >Well, probably because of that I have either PPP compiled into kernel
> >or load it as a module. But I don't need KMOD for that!
> Right, if you compile it into the kernel, it will obviously work. But
> if you compile it as a module *without* also requesting KMOD, then it
> will not work *even when* you manually insmod the required modules.
> Or at least, thats been my experience. Maybe I didn't load all the
> required modules, now that I think of it - without kmod, it would have
> been missing slhc and the other compression modules. Sigh.
> anyway, things that can be compiled a module *and* require a major
> device number that is also implemented with a module should verify
> that KMOD is turned on.

Why? That just doesn't make sense. Why should I have KMOD turned on to
eg. use a joystick? I know, it can make some things easier, but that's a
matter of personal preference. If I don't want KMOD, I just insmod
joystick.o, and it will get char major 15, because it requests it. Why
it should need KMOD?

Vojtech Pavlik
SuSE Labs

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