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SubjectRe: 2.3.45 compile problems: (ac97_codec.c)
I applied it and it compiled and worked (es1371/ac97_codec as modules)
but when I load a mixer (aumix/kmix) the mixer croaks and causes... a
divide error! (Whee!)

ksymoops 2.3.3 on i686 2.3.45. Options used
-v /usr/src/linux/vmlinux (specified)
-k /proc/ksyms (default)
-l /proc/modules (default)
-o /lib/modules/2.3.45/ (default)
-m /usr/src/linux/ (default)

Feb 14 15:22:00 Jewel kernel: ac97_codec: ac97 vendor id1: 0x4352, id2: 0x5903 (Unknown)

(ksymoops chopped off this next line with the divide error message; I
think the ksymoops maintainer should check into that.)
Feb 14 15:23:03 Jewel kernel: divide error: 0000
Feb 14 15:23:03 Jewel kernel: CPU: 0
Feb 14 15:23:03 Jewel kernel: EIP: 0010:[<c88360c4>]
Using defaults from ksymoops -t elf32-i386 -a i386
Feb 14 15:23:03 Jewel kernel: EFLAGS: 00010292
Feb 14 15:23:03 Jewel kernel: eax: 00001f40 ebx: 00000018 ecx: 00000001 edx: 00000000
Feb 14 15:23:03 Jewel kernel: esi: 00000064 edi: 00000000 ebp: 00000050 esp: c6803ed0
Feb 14 15:23:03 Jewel kernel: ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Feb 14 15:23:03 Jewel kernel: Process aumix (pid: 662, stackpage=c6803000)
Feb 14 15:23:03 Jewel kernel: Stack: c68543c0 c6bfe030 80044d03 bffff9e0 c88365c9 c6bfe030 00000003 c68543c0
Feb 14 15:23:03 Jewel kernel: bffff9e0 80044d03 ffffffe7 00000000 c6802000 c418d000 c01cfefa 00000001
Feb 14 15:23:03 Jewel kernel: c01db561 00000286 00000040 080511a8 c743f4cc 00000286 080511e8 00000000
Feb 14 15:23:03 Jewel kernel: Call Trace: [<c88365c9>] [con_flush_chars+18/24] [write_chan+577/752] [tty_write+424/592] [sys_rt_sigaction+117/204] [<c883a232>] [sys_ioctl+367/408]
Feb 14 15:23:03 Jewel kernel: Code: f7 ff 89 f5 89 c3 29 dd 6b c9 64 89 c8 99 f7 ff 89 f1 89 c3

>>EIP; c88360c4 <[ac97_codec]ac97_read_mixer+74/118> <=====
Trace; c88365c9 <[ac97_codec]ac97_mixer_ioctl+1f9/2b0>
Code; c88360c4 <[ac97_codec]ac97_read_mixer+74/118>
00000000 <_EIP>:
Code; c88360c4 <[ac97_codec]ac97_read_mixer+74/118> <=====
0: f7 ff idiv %edi,%eax <=====
Code; c88360c6 <[ac97_codec]ac97_read_mixer+76/118>
2: 89 f5 mov %esi,%ebp
Code; c88360c8 <[ac97_codec]ac97_read_mixer+78/118>
4: 89 c3 mov %eax,%ebx
Code; c88360ca <[ac97_codec]ac97_read_mixer+7a/118>
6: 29 dd sub %ebx,%ebp
Code; c88360cc <[ac97_codec]ac97_read_mixer+7c/118>
8: 6b c9 64 imul $0x64,%ecx,%ecx
Code; c88360cf <[ac97_codec]ac97_read_mixer+7f/118>
b: 89 c8 mov %ecx,%eax
Code; c88360d1 <[ac97_codec]ac97_read_mixer+81/118>
d: 99 cltd
Code; c88360d2 <[ac97_codec]ac97_read_mixer+82/118>
e: f7 ff idiv %edi,%eax
Code; c88360d4 <[ac97_codec]ac97_read_mixer+84/118>
10: 89 f1 mov %esi,%ecx
Code; c88360d6 <[ac97_codec]ac97_read_mixer+86/118>
12: 89 c3 mov %eax,%ebx

Linux 2.3.45 #1 Mon Feb 14 14:54:13 EST 2000 i686
Kernel modules 2.3.9
Gnu C 2.95.2
Linux C Library 2.1.2
Dynamic linker ldd (GNU libc) 2.1.2
Procps 2.0.6
Mount 2.9y
Net-tools 1.53
Console-tools 0.2.2
Sh-utils 2.0
Modules Loaded bsd_comp es1371 ac97_codec ide-scsi 3c59x

-- JT, who seems to be doing an awful lot of bug reporting lately...

On Mon, 14 Feb 2000, Frank de Lange wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 14, 2000 at 12:25:06PM -0500, Jeff Garzik wrote:
> > Does this patch fix things?
> ac97_codec.c: In function `ac97_probe_codec_Rsmp_b505a3f5':
> ac97_codec.c:501: parse error before `;'
> ac97_codec.c:505: break statement not within loop or switch
> ac97_codec.c:506: warning: control reaches end of non-void function
> ac97_codec.c: At top level:
> ac97_codec.c:507: parse error before `}'
> ac97_codec.c:510: parse error before string constant
> ac97_codec.c:511: warning: type defaults to `int' in declaration of `printk_Rsmp_1b7d4074'
> ac97_codec.c:511: warning: function declaration isn't a prototype
> ac97_codec.c:511: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
> ac97_codec.c:514: parse error before `->'
> ac97_codec.c:542: parse error before `->'
> ac97_codec.c:542: warning: type defaults to `int' in declaration of `ac97_set_mixer'
> ac97_codec.c:542: warning: function declaration isn't a prototype
> ac97_codec.c:542: conflicting types for `ac97_set_mixer'
> ac97_codec.c:280: previous declaration of `ac97_set_mixer'
> ac97_codec.c:542: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
> ac97_codec.c:178: warning: `ac97_read_mixer' defined but not used
> ac97_codec.c:228: warning: `ac97_write_mixer' defined but not used
> ac97_codec.c:325: warning: `ac97_mixer_ioctl' defined but not used
> ac97_codec.c:104: warning: `mixer_defaults' defined but not used
> make[2]: *** [ac97_codec.o] Error 1
> Cheers//Frank
> --
> WWWWW ________________________
> ## o o\ / Frank de Lange \
> }# \| / +31-70-3712708 day \
> ##---# _/ +31-320-252965 night \
> #### \ /
> \ /
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