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    SubjectRe: Scheduled Transfer Protocol on Linux
    >I believe it's possible, but I think Larry's estimates of 50% extra cost
    >($200 -> $300) are off the wall. The Itsy shows you can make Linux boxes
    >small enough, but the pricetag (several thousand $) also shows that it's
    >economically impractical.

    Excuse me ?

    Where does it say that an Itsy costs several thousand $ ? The LART (see
    .sig) is very similar to the Itsy, and its prototypes didn't cost more than
    US$600 each. Even in small volume (qty100) this drops down to $250. And
    that's for a machine that's heavily overqualified to do the tasks that
    Larry was talking about.

    My estimate is that adding a minimal StrongARM+100BT to a disk drive adds
    $40-$50 maximum to the BOM cost at volumes >10k; less if you go for higher
    quantities and stuff an SA-1 (or other fast core) and integrated 100[0]BT
    into an ASIC.

    [who would be surprised if the Ethernet transformer wouldn't be the
    dominating factor in the PCB area calculation]

    LART. 250 MIPS under one Watt.

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