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SubjectRe: Scheduled Transfer Protocol on Linux
In message <>, Alan Cox writes:
| Its actually kind of the other way around. A modern IDE drive is a cut down
| SCSI drive and firmware with some legacy mode glue added. ATAPI is most of

True, ATAPI re-added most of the intelligence IDE was invented to cut

| > with STP networking differ only in that they're potentially a little more
| > general, and that you need to use slightly newer (but common) hardware and
| > code to implement it.
| SCSI as a networking protocol is possible but needs a carrier layer. Thats

Hm, I'm not being sufficiently general in my comments, I guess. I wasn't
intending to imply that SCSI was a full-blown network protocol, just that
it's complex enough to be equivalent to one in terms of the infrastructure
required to support it.

brandon s. allbery os/2,linux,solaris,perl
system administrator kthkrb,heimdal,gnome,rt
carnegie mellon / electrical and computer engineering kf8nh
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