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SubjectRe: Problems with USB from late 2.3.x kernels and BP6 in MPS 1.4mode
On 10:43 PM 2/12/2000, Iustin Pop wrote:
> The problem with BP6 and MPS1.4 also shows in Win2k, where the usb
>root hub is not initialized properly (yellow question mark in device
>manager, and error code: you bios does not initialize the firwmare
>properly with enough information for configuration, contact your
>vendor...) and on it says: "Install Detail: Set youe
>MPS to 1.1 when using Win2k to solve USB Root HUB problems. MPS 1.4
>seems to cause the USB ports to not function.".
> And a question: isn't there anything to gain/loose when using MPS1.1
>instead of MPS1.4?

I assume you are using bios NJ or older with your BP6? Abit's beta QQ
bios fixes the problem with USB under Win2k when using MPS 1.4. You can
find the beta QQ bios on ABit's ftp site( As far as
the gain/loss between 1.1 and 1.4, the only difference I've seen is that
1.4 will assign interrupts above 15, ie. uhci gets assigned irq19.

At this point, on my machine using the QQ bios, I get USB working properly
with the following os'es:

- Win98 SE
- Win2k Build 2195
- Linux kernel 2.2.14 + usb backport patch
- Linux kernel 2.3.19 and below
- Linux kernel 2.3.44pre9


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