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SubjectRe: Access to fa.linux.kernel - please help
[Tom Crane]

> Can anybody advise me of reliable public read access
> nntpserver which carries fa.linux.kernel? carries it...

I run the fa.* gateways (it's not as well maintained as I'd like, but
fa.linux.kernel works fine :-) All these are one-way, since that is
the easy way of avoiding spews, spam and clueless posters. We feed
this hierarchy onto the Usenet backbone, so it ends up on Deja.

But this is weird. The message from Tom Crane says:

To: mail2news@checked_ok.outbound.flk
Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2000 22:39:39 GMT
Organization: Dept. Physics, Royal Holloway, University of London
X-Authentication-Warning: news set sender to <news> using -f
Original-Newsgroups: fa.linux.kernel
Original-Date: 8 Feb 00 20:34:11 GMT

So someone has set up a return route to linux-kernel? Although fa.*
is a name with roots (it stands for From Arpanet, and was the
hierarchy for gated mailings lists before The Great Renaming; we just
recycled the name back in the late 80's), I find it a bit unlikely
that the people in London should come up with the exact same name for
the newsgroup as us. I don't quite understand what's going on.

> The server I have been using recently ( has
> stopped working. This newsgroup is not on my local campus
> nntpserver, nor AFAICT is it carried by the upstream servers of
> the Janet ( news service. Alternatively, would any kind
> person be prepared to give me read access to one of their servers
> which carries fa.linux.kernel? I really don't want to have to go
> back to the mailing list or rely on web based newsreaders...

Oops, that rules out, I guess. Using newzbot, I found a
server in Greece, but it seems slooow. I won't open my server for
reading, but I can offer your news admin a feed of fa.linux.* if he
wants it.

Kjetil T.

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