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SubjectRe: [RFC-2] Configuring Synchronous Interfaces in Linux

On Tue, 5 Dec 2000, Alan Cox wrote:
> I think a new ioctl would be sensible. There is a lot to go in it.

Alan, what's the approach you'd feel more comfortable with:
- One ioctl that passes a pointer to a known structure in ifr.ifr_data as
its argument.
- Several ioctl's, one for each parameter, that pass only the specific
parameter new value as the argument.

The former is good because it relies on a _single_ ioctl. However, every
time you change the ioctl structure you may lose backward compatibility.

The latter is good because new implementations / features won't affect
previous working features. However, it'd create a huge list of ioctl's.

Please let me know whatcha think.


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