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SubjectRe: Re[2]: DMA !NOT ONLY! for triton again...


I have watched this and even if UDMA is not supported cleanly by the
drive, the classic ATA-2 Multi-wrod DMA should be. There was a time in
the past where WDC had some problems, but they have fixed most if not all
with "modern" drives. I will be at WDC in two weeks, and I can raise the
issues with them. Please spell them out completely.


On Mon, 4 Dec 2000, Guennadi Liakhovetski wrote:

> Well, yes, I thought they could not have known:-)) I'm absolutely stuck. If disk is fine, chipset is fine and supported by the kernel, then BIOS doesn't (or shouldn't) make a difference... Then WHAT ON THE EARTH??? Mike, have you been able to recall what BIOS option turned DMA on? Shall I write to Andre Hedrick directly? Or is there a mailing-list smth. like linux-ide?
> > Now, the question is, can we trust a hard drive manufacturer
> > support tech to know what they're talking about, with evidence to
> > the contrary? :)
> Thanks
> Guennadi
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Andre Hedrick
CTO Timpanogas Research Group
EVP Linux Development, TRG
Linux ATA Development

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