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SubjectRe: HPT366 + SMP = slight corruption in 2.3.99 - 2.4.0-11
Gnea wrote:
> > [1.] One line summary of the problem:
> > Intermittent corruption of 4 bytes in SMP kernels using HPT366
> [snip]
> Have you tried updating the bios on the bp6? This solved a LOT of
> problems for me, and afaik, ru is the latest...

RU seems the latest. Flashed bios as per your nicely detailed
No improvement in condition, alas.

> also, the overclocking might be a bad thing in this case unless you
> have the proper cooling for it (lm-sensors is great for this sort of
> thing :) there's a neat wm applet called wmbp6 too) so u may want to
> try clocking it straight at 300 for awhile and see what effect that
> has.. hope this helps

Err. "300(66)" probably won't help too much. The cpu's are multiplier
locked (love that one, Intel); so will run at 7 * 66 (466) when set to
chip defaults - which I currently am - to rule out flaky / stressed

Temperatures are a nice frosty 30 deg C across all the temperature
sensors lm_sensors offers; and the thermal probe I have dangling in the
psu exhaust :)
[this is with two rc5des clients running - loadavg of 2 - btw]

Back to the original topic, I've done some more 'research'; and I'm not
_certain_ of my findings, but there's a few coincidences here...

I think I'll make a more general post to lkml direct in a minute.

Gerard Sharp
Two penguins at 1024x768
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