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SubjectRe: strange behaviour with test13-pre6
On Saturday 30 December 2000 09:40 pm, wrote:
| With test13-pre6 I suddenly found that I could not change the
| console. When I wanted to enter a command letters were changed:
| greek \mu appeared for m,
| tilde n for e.
| After a few seconds the system returned to normal behaviour.
| No messages can be found in the logfiles.

similar behavior at boot, at least since test11, to wit: at boot:
prompt, hitting tab causes what seems to be several pages of
scrolling with the odd character here and there, in place of a list
of available boot options. after several seconds, boot: prompt
reappears as usual, and one may, if one has remembered their names,
type in any of the possibilities, and boot that choice.
bipartisanship: an illogical construct not unlike the idea that
if half the people like red and half the people like blue, the
country's favorite color is purple.
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