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SubjectRe: Repeatable 2.4.0-test13-pre4 nfsd Oops rears it head again
On Thu, Dec 28, 2000 at 10:15:17PM -0800, Linus Torvalds wrote:

I bet that others will have other recommendations, but so far I
have at least personally had good luck with the eepro100.

I have (and still do) use 3c59x, 3c90x cards, eepro100 and tulips
cards. They all work reasonably well except they all have their own
quirks and none of them are as reliable as (say) the hme cards in our
Solaris machines.

Nor are they as reliable as the same hardware under FreeBSD, which is
somewhat embarrassing.

I have to wonder -- am I jinxed or do other people also find this?

I'm also slightly perturbed by the fact there is no easy way to set
media and duplex on all the cards. This was discussed on netdev not
long ago and I tried hacking ethtool support into the 3c59x code but
its far from a clean job. I'm not sure how simple this would be for
other drivers. Both Solaris and FreeBSD let you set media and duplex
in a uniform way; it's a pity Linux cannot.


P.S. FWIW I'm currently trying to standardize on eepro100 cards; so
far so good except nder sustained load (i.e. 100M full duplex
completely saturated for many minutes) I get:

eth1: card reports no resources.

messages. Looking at the driver source code I can't see wy these
might occur (I don't have the specs, I'm just going by the
surrounding code). No harm, but what seems like a slight
slowdown when this occurs.
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