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    SubjectRe: How to write patches
    Jeff's descriprion is very informative, but his emphasis
    is somewhat different from what I find difficult with patches.
    First, for the life of me I was unable to remeber which
    argument goes first (DaveM was mad every time). Second, I kept
    forgetting to keep the base tree a diff against that instead of
    the latest tree.

    So, here is the patch release cycle in my view, with all
    small details.

    1. I pick a "base" tree which I will hack on. Suppose that
    we start with 2.2.17-pre22. So, I download linux-2.2.16.tar.bz2
    from Linus place and patch-pre22.bz2 from Alan's place.
    THESE MUST BE SAVED after I unpack them.

    2. I unpack. Note that I have base release in the directory name.

    bzip -d < linux-2.2.16.tar.bz2| tar xf -
    mv linux linux-2.2.17-pre22
    bzip -d < patch-pre22.bz2| patch -d linux-2.2.17-pre22 -p1

    3. One way or another, I make two trees, one of which is "base"
    and another is "work".

    mkdir linux-2.2.17-pre22-p3
    (cd linux-2.2.17-pre22 && tar cf - .)| (cd linux-2.2.17-pre22-p3 && tar xf -)

    4. Hack

    cd linux-2.2.17-pre22-p3
    make oldconfig
    (make dep && make bzImage) > build.out 2>&1
    ........... etc.

    The step #4 will take some time, and kernel will get developed
    while we sit on it. Normally it takes me anywhere from 3 weeks
    to 3 months to come up with something useable.

    5. Time to diff and submit, but Oops, Linus published 2.2.17!
    Now you will see how it all REALLY works.

    5a. Unpack

    bzip -d < linux-2.2.17.tar.bz2| tar xf -
    mv linux linux-2.2.17

    6. Diff your base tree and your changed tree. Do not settle
    for .orig files! Diff whole thing!

    6a. Get dontdiff from Tigran, it's helpful

    6b. Diff, but notice the argument order!!

    diff -urN --exclude-from=dontdiff \
    linux-2.2.17-pre22 linux-2.2.17-pre22-p3 > linux-2.2.17-pre22-p3.diff

    6c. In most cases you need to remove junk from your diff,
    even with dontdiff.

    7. Apply your diff to the new tree (remember,
    never touch the base tree):

    mkdir linux-2.2.17-p3
    (cd linux-2.2.17 && tar cf - .)| (cd linux-2.2.17-p3 && tar xf -)
    patch -d linux-2.2.17-p3 -p1 < linux-2.2.17-pre22-p3.diff

    If I am lucky, my patch applies cleanly or with a small
    fuzz factor. But otherwise there may be a conflict that I
    shall resolve by hand:

    find linux-2.2.17-p3 -name '*.rej'
    # perhaps cat something.rej >> something && vi something

    This part is actually important. If I sent linux-2.2.17-pre22-p3.diff
    to Alan, he would try to apply it against then-current 2.2.17
    (if not 2.2.18-pre2), get the same conflict, and dump the patch
    into the void. Always resolve yourself, do not ride the maintainer.

    8. Now I can send the patch to Alan and wait.

    9. Once my patch is tentatively applied, say, in 2.2.18-pre2,
    I re-download it, and do the whole thing again to make sure
    that it was applied right. Alan has a habit of editing patches
    on the fly, so I must keep tabs on it.

    10. By this time 2.2.17-pre22 base are obsolete so we may
    delete them (but evacuate good .config first or you'd start
    from defconfig again):

    cp linux-2.2.17-pre22-p3/.config linux-2.2.18-pre3/
    rm -rf linux-2.2.17-pre22 linux-2.2.17-pre22-p3
    # Sometimes I keep linux-2.2.17-pre22-p3.diff a little longer
    # after the base moved on, for the sake of slower paced collegues.

    And the ball just keeps rolling.

    -- Pete
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