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SubjectRe: 2.2.18: Thread problem with smbfs
On Tue, 19 Dec 2000, Hans-Joachim Baader wrote:

> and so on, endlessly. So, AFAIK, smbfs thinks it has lost connection and
> tells smbmount to re-establish it, which succeeds (at least smbmount
> thinks so). This happens several times per second.

-512 means that the recv was interrupted by a signal, or rather, the
current process has a signal maybe the recv was interrupted, maybe there
is a problem with the connection, better reconnect.

Still, it's better than pre-2.2.18 where smbmount wouldn't stay alive ...

I don't really know how signal delivery works within the kernel, but
smb_trans2_request tries to disable some signals. That does not work
(completely?) so either it needs fixing or the -512 errno needs to be

Why so bad in gdb? perhaps it causes more signals.
Why does one thread end up in D state? don't know.

> Kernel 2.2.18, smbfs as a module. I can provide more info if necessary.

A small testprogram that causes this would be nice. The -512 is easy to
reproduce but I haven't seen the 'D' before.

If someone is interested the relevant code is fs/smbfs/sock.c
(smb_trans2_request, ..., _recvfrom)


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