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SubjectRe: /dev/random: really secure?
> This would allow you to say "eth0 is my internal network and I'm not
> trying to hack my own system, so use IP traffic on that interface to add
> entropy to the pool, but not packets that are on port 6699/21/23 or reply
> packets". It would probably just be a matter of adding a new flag to a
> filter rule to say "use packets that match this rule for entropy", and
> then it is up to the user to determine what is safe to use. The fact
> that it is user configurable makes it even harder for a cracker to know
> what affects the entropy pool.

This isn't from the kernel, but works great in userspace:

iptables -n RANDOM
iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -j RANDOM
iptables -A RANDOM -p tcp --dport 6699 -j <otherchain/rule>
iptables -A RANDOM -p tcp --dport 21 -j <asabove>
iptables -A RANDOM -p tcp --dport 32 -j <ditto,etc>
iptables -A RANDOM -m state --state ! NEW -j <thisisgettingstupidnow>
iptables -P RANDOM -j ULOG --ulog-nlgroup 32

This sends a message down netlink in ULOG format.
ULOG is a userspace logging extension written by Harald Welte, but it's
extensible like you wouldn't believe, so you could easily do some whacky
stuff with it. Or just hook in to a Netfilter hook and do it all from kernel
ULOG's homepage:

:) d
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