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SubjectRe: Serial cardbus code.... for testing, please.....
On Sat, Dec 09, 2000 at 12:41:24AM -0500, Theodore Y. Ts'o wrote:
> There was is usual with these sorts of things, multiple problems I was
> dealing with. The first was that I was trying to use cardmgr, and my
> pcmcia config file was still trying to load epic_cb. Oops. David, you
> might want to mention of this caveat in the README-2.4 file in the
> pcmcia-cs package.

I'm aware of the problem but I'm not actually sure what to present as
the appropriate solution yet; in the new scheme, cardmgr should just
ignore these cards and not load any module at all (as /sbin/hotplug
should do that). But I haven't decided how cardmgr will deduce that.

By the way, in my hands, PCMCIA serial cards do work ok with the 2.4
PCMCIA modules as of test12-pre7. So I'm not sure what's going on in
Ted's situation, if the non-kernel PCMCIA is working: there should
not be much different for 16-bit cards. I do seem to have some new
problems with Cardbus cards that I wasn't having with earlier 2.4
releases but I haven't made any attempt to figure that out yet.

-- Dave

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