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SubjectRe: ANNOUNCE: Linux Kernel ORB: kORBit

On Mon, 11 Dec 2000, Dietmar Kling wrote:

> I do not understand this
> "i saw it - yuck! - and now i want to kill it "

s/want to kill it/do not want to touch it/

> point of view.
> As I tried to point out. Things evolve. And
> the evolution has the right do things wrong.
> Next evolution step will do it probably better.

You do realize what "evolution" means? I'm not talking about the bugs
in implementation. I'm talking about botched design. _That_ never gets
fixed. Show me one example when that would happen and I might consider
taking such possibility seriously.

> Al same as kernel development. With your attitude
> i'd have dropped linux 0.99 immediatly.
> Remember the code in certain parts?

And? It wasn't nearly that huge and what matters _much_ more it was not
that tasteless.

> So what is your point?
> I accept only shiny little masterpieces of software?

No. The larger it is - the harder it is to redesign. And both GNOME and
KDE are _way_ past the size*severity_of_misdesign threshold. IOW, I simply
don't believe that either project has sufficient manpower to fix their stuff.
And that's orders of magnitude insufficient. As far as I can see they are
also way past "it's easier to do from scratch than to fix" threshold. The
same reason why I don't believe that NT will ever become decent OS, even
if the full source would become available, yodda, yodda.

Feel free to prove me wrong, but I would be very surprised to see it. And
yes, the fact that UNIX was conceptually simple and relatively small helped
it _big_ way. Small beasts adapt and propagate. Huge ones tend to become
dead-ends. So much for evolution...

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