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SubjectPCMCIA versioning...
On Mon, Nov 06, 2000 at 03:40:39PM -0800, David Hinds wrote:
> [..] I would need to know what kernel versions and what PCMCIA driver
> versions were involved. [..]

Is there actually a way to work out what version of userspace utilities
you are using?

I read Changes and it tells me that I need pcmcia-cs 3.1.21 (for
test10-final). It also tells me I can find out the version using
cardmgr -V.
Yet whenever I build the pcmcia utils it grabs the version from
the kernel tree (include/pcmcia/version.h) and not from the file under
pcmcia-3.1.21 (in kernel is before local include dir).

Hence the bizarre result:
[huggie@langly /usr/src]$ pcmcia-cs-3.1.21/cardmgr/cardmgr -V
cardmgr version 3.1.22

(kernel's version.h is 3.1.22).

Um, is this normal, good, right and proper?
Does the version in Changes really mean "you should recompile
{cardmgr,cardctl} with each kernel"?

[ I'm using the kernel's pcmcia modules ]

----------( "Have you seen a man who's lost his luggage?" )----------
----------( -- Suitcase )----------
Simon ----( )---- Nomis 0.0.17
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