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    SubjectRe: 2.2.18Pre Lan Performance Rocks!
    "Jeff V. Merkey" wrote:
    > A "context" is usually assued to be a "stack". The simplest of all
    > context switches is:
    > mov x, esp
    > mov esp, y

    Is that your two instruction context switch? The problem is, it doesn't
    transfer control anywhere. Maybe it doesn't need to. I guess you could
    break your tasks up into lots of little chunks and compile each chunk
    inline and use actual calls to take you off the fast path. The stack
    changes are actually doing some useful work here: you might for instance
    be processing a network packet whose address is on the stack. But
    somehow I don't think this is your two-instruction context switch. The
    only halfway flexible two-instruction context switch I can think of is:

    mov esp, y

    where you already know the stack depth where you are so you don't have
    to store it, and the task execution order is predetermined. This
    switches the *two* essential ingredients of a context: control+data.
    But there's a big fat AGI there and all the overhead of a jump so it
    doesn't get your superscalar performance.

    Now my stupid question: why on earth do you need a billion context
    switches a second?

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