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    Subject2.4.0test10 not booting on 486 laptop
    When 2.4.0test10 bootup, i got the "Loading" message, then "Uncompressing

    kernel...", i can see quickly "Booting.....", and it does it: it reboots.

    My last kernel was 2.4.0test7, and was not exibiting the problem. I've

    recheck my .config, but it's the same as for 2.4.0test7.

    My gcc:

    [root@Djinn linux]# gcc -v
    Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/specs
    gcc version 2.95.2 19991024 (release)
    [root@Djinn linux]#

    according to Changes may be good.

    The laptop is a 486dx2@40 compaq contura 400cx, two thing that may be

    important: it has early cpuid support(many changes occured in this

    area recently), and it doesn't have any PCI bus(but kernel is compiled

    with it, in order to have Card drivers).

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