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SubjectATA-4, ATA-5 TCQ status

I would like to ask if the tagged command queueing capability in the
decent ATA standards is utilized in the linux IDE driver (2.2 2.2ide
patches, or 2.4 maybe...)?

Another question, a little bit offtopic is if anybody on this list is able
to point me to some pci UltraATA controller card, which has more than 2
channels (more than 4 drives w/o cascade magic) (preferrably 6 or 8
channels)? If the exists one, I do not need no HW RAID or anything like
that... I only need a lot of channels, in only one PCI slot.
There have been a lot of rant around here, and why I am addressing Andre
personally too is that in that debate his stated, that because such cards
exist, IDE can fall into line with SCSI in drives possible / PCI slot.

Your help is very much appreciated,

SaPE - Peter, Sasi - -

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