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SubjectRe: ext2 filesystem corruptions back from dead? 2.4.0-test11
On Fri, 24 Nov 2000, Alexander Viro wrote:

> <shrug> I don't see any attempts to tag you (or ATA subsystem, for that matter)
> in that thread. And thread is hardly bogus... I agree that changes in

We agree that the "thread" is valid, trust that point.
There was a quick pointed question that present, "Is it an IDE disk?" to
paraphase the statement.

> drivers/ide/* are very unlikely to be the source of that, but information
> of that kind can help to weed out some of the changes in ll_rw_blk.c.

What may be even more helpful is when I get arround to making an option,
for some outstanding patches for 2.5, that would allow for user-space
pattern pushing through the driver that gets properly inserted in to the
list/buffer-head to make it pass through the block layer. This kind of
testing will allow for nibble level tracing through everything, I hope.


Andre Hedrick
CTO Timpanogas Research Group
EVP Linux Development, TRG
Linux ATA Development

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